Sunday, June 10, 2012

But wait, before you can see photos of Norway, we have to stay chronological and show you some photos of the viking ship museum

So, a week ago Saturday, we all took the train to Roskilde -- a very cute town in Denmark which has the Viking Ship Museum.  We saw re-creations of viking ships, the remains of excavated viking ships, and a movie about a bunch of people who built a viking ship and then sailed around Europe in it in 2008.  There were no sleeping quarters, or any private quarters at all for that matter, since the ships were entirely open.  Fascinating stuff.  Eric and I put on some costumes and tried out our best viking mugs.  Also, can you spot the "norwegian lobster" below?  We finished off the night with a great dinner at Julie and Eric's and a hug for Baby Shizz.

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