Thursday, February 24, 2011

Minnesota Birthday

Last weekend Ellie celebrated round 3 of #3 with all our Minnesota family.

A great time was had by all. Especially miss Ells.

There was bowling, Mall-of-America-ing, ride riding, Lego Land-ing, cake decorating, present opening, Happy Birthday singing, hugging, smiling and lots of fun.

Oh and it snowed 18".

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday girl at school

Happy birthday, sweet Eleanor!

Our girl is three years old.

Hard for me and Mindy to fathom.

It's unbelievable that all this joy has been crammed into three short years. At the same time it's impossible to believe that it's already been three years.

Ellie is sweeter, smarter, funnier and more amazing every day. And that's an entirely objective judgment.

This weekend we celebrated with family and friends (head cold be damned) and today (the real bday) we'll have a snack party and school then probably hit Ellie's favorite haunt Tutta Bella. Then Mindy and Ellie are off to Minnesota for more celebrating.

Thank you to everyone who's helped make Ellie's year so great. She's a very loved little lady and we all feel extremely lucky.

Happy birthday, sweet girl.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big kid bed. Big time hit.

Someone is turning three in a matter of days and as an early gift, we unveiled our new big kid bed/bedroom when Ellie got home from school today.

Suffice it to say it was a hit.

We've been "playing" go-to-sleep all evening.

That said, it's 9:20 and she hasn't gone to sleep yet...

The coolest part is that Ellie's new bed used to belong to her Grammy.

We're about to turn three here

Time for a new look.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Piggy-back ride

Yep, it's pun week.

Monday, February 7, 2011