Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bye-bye LA...

We're gonna miss you all!

But we'll see you soon...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Kind of running out of adjectives.

And space not covered in moving boxes. But I digress...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Big Talker

Somebody is kind of a loudmouth.

Oh and Eleanor likes to talk too.

Saturday morning smiler

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eleanor's 3-month update

Okay so we're a few days late on this one, but we were on vacation so cut us some slack.

Ellie had a great last appointment with Dr. Kramer. She (Eleanor, not Dr. Kramer) weighed in at 12 pounds and measured up at 24 inches. That keeps her in line with the 50th percentile weight and 75th percentile height projections they made early on. There was no measuring of her feet, though I'd roughly guess they come in somewhere around the 376th percentile.*

Ellie wowed the doctor with her neck strength, winning smile and general level of active awareness. Thanks to that strong neck we're now cleared to use the Baby Bjorn. Eleanor is a massive fan of the new front-facing carry position as it lets her see the world beyond our chests.

Once again though, a _-month checkup isn't all fun and games. Unless you like shots. Eleanor doesn't, but she still got three. This time she added an arm shot to the two in her cute little thighs. She cried again, but didn't reach the ear-piercing screech that shattered hearts (and car windshields) last month.

She was feeling pretty logy that night, but by the next evening was recovered enough for a fancy dinner out with Chris and Robyn at Campanile.**

Ellie's doing great. She's more and more engaged with the world each day and her sweet personality is on display all the time. She's cooing and gurgling a ton and loves to giggle in a manner that reduces us to puddles of parental bliss.

Next month's checkup will be in Seattle. Thanks again to all the friends who offered up pediatrician recommendations up there! And thanks to Dr. Kramer for a great three months!

Here are a few post-shot shots.

*Give or take 2 percentile points.
**Thereby earning Eleanor an honorary Diner's Club card for her 30th dinner out since birth. Um. Yeah.

Monday, May 19, 2008

One more vacation shot...

Just because.

Temperature range...

59 at the coast this morning.

99 at home this afternoon.

Vacation Baby

Sorry for the recent lack of posts. We've been on the coast enjoying one of our last California weekends. Unfortunately our condo didn't have Internet access. Though it made up for it with ocean-related awesomeness.

More to come...

Wow, looks like Mark and Sarah had fun too!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The best view in town

And by "town" I mean the entire universe.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hanging out with Grammy S. and Auntie Jules...

Law School Ladies

Congrats to all!

Little do they know...

...That while this picture is being taken, I'm participating in the largest pooping event in modern history.


Yay, mom!

Law School, check.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

While I'm at it...

A huge thanks to my mom. Over the last few weeks, she's been here off-and-on (but mostly on) helping us out big time. Without her, I have no idea how we could have gotten through the two-headed hellhound of finals and work. From laundry to dishes to feedings to just holding Eleanor during conference calls and study sessions, it's been a tremendous help.*

Thanks mom, we love you!

*Differing opinions on dusting aside.**
**Take it easy.

As I type...

My lovely wife is finishing the last final of her law school career. Tomorrow she graduates and three years of rarely seeing her comes to a joyous end.

I know lots of people go to grad school. And I know lots of people have crazy schedules. What she's doing may not be unique, but the way she's done it is.

I can't tell you how much I admire Mindy. I've never met anyone who works harder and is more focused. She's sacrificed a ton and always kept an amazing attitude no matter how hard things got or how much she had going on. She's an incredible person and all the more so when you consider she's doing all of this just so she can return to social services and help people.*

So here's to Mindy! An amazing wife and mother, a remarkable person, a soon-to-be Juris Doctorate, and the love of my life.


*Thereby equaling out my lamprey-like role in society.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Rotate ninety degrees and...

More stunningness ensues.

Monday, May 5, 2008

She's a tall one

When laying down

Thursday, May 1, 2008