Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Assorted birthday awesomeness

Though our celebration was muted in deference to Mindy's Bar exam week o' hell, we had a wonderful birthday with Eleanor. She got lots of amazing presents (which she loves, thanks to all of you). And she had her first bites of pizza and cookie.*

Oh, and did I mention that she started standing unsupported for 60 seconds at a time on Friday... And then tried to take a step on Saturday... And now pretty much stands all the time now on every surface imaginable...**

Here are a few birthday highlights...

Oh and did I also mention that we love her more than anything and are so grateful to have such an amazing daughter?***

*We were good parents for the first year.
**Other than lava
***Yes, I probably did.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Those first two photos in her PJs so tight are killing me. She is so damn cute.

I am so glad I got to celebrate her birthday with her!