Sunday, March 14, 2010


Man, have I ever done a lousy job on the blog the last few weeks. All I can say is that between work and the last mile of a big remodel and the massive rewiring project that's related to it and the unrelated sewer line break that has suddenly expanded it, things have been falling through the cracks a bit.*

We haven't even been taking pictures, let alone posting them.


But here's a quick iPhone shot from a few days ago with Eleanor perched at the (then unfinished) breakfast bar in the new kitchen (which is now totally done/totally awesome!).

Bunch more shots coming soon and a better job blogging as well...

*and not just the cracks that I've put in our walls/ceilings during the aforementioned electrical work.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Whoa...beautiful little lady at the beautiful new kitchen bar. I bet she loves eating and looking out the window.