Sunday, August 17, 2008

Interesting fact...

A good baseball team is still fun to watch even if they play in a lousy ballpark.*

Twins win, despite seriously mediocre middle relief.

Another interesting fact, ballparks are too loud for babies.

*Especially if they play Hold Steady's "Massive Nights" during a pitching change.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hey, at least your child's hearing was tested during a playoff run. Mine? Well, it was '80's Day at the Safe....

As you say 'Sigh.'

P.S. I warned readers about taking babies to ballparks. Ouch. We made it through 3.5 innings.

Thought: If you're going to set aside sections for people with incredibly sensitive peanut allergies, maybe you might want to set aside seats for people with infants...just a thought....