Friday, March 7, 2008

Ellie's three-week update

Hey all, just wanted to check in and give you an update on life in Eleanorland. Today was Ellie's three-week birthday (we were going to get her a pony, but we didn't want to spoil her... maybe at five weeks).

As you regular readers know, she is now sans umbilical cord and just about to regular belly button status. It's looking like an innie, but we'll keep you posted.

Ellie's been doing some bottle feeding over the last few days to get ready for mom's return to school next week. So far the bottle sessions have been great, though tonight brought a Linda Blair-esque spitup. Oh well. Though Min will only be in school two days a week and will FINALLY be all done in May, we're practicing to make sure Ellie's dad-only days go as smoothly as possible.

We also took Eleanor on her first stroller (or as she insists on calling it, her "whip") outing this afternoon and she did great. We've been carrying her in the wrap to this point. It can't be beat for a feeling of closeness, but on a hot day like today the stroller was a welcome change.

Other than that we just keep being blown away by our little lady. I say this from a position of total objectivity, but she's pretty much the most amazing thing in the history of the universe.

Okay then, off to "sleep" now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely edible!! mino