Thursday, August 29, 2013

Road Trip, Second Stop: Crater Lake (2nd day)

On the second day, we had a boat tour that took us out to Wizard Island as well as around all of Crater Lake.  A Park Service guide pointed out all the crazy geological points of interest.  Then they let us off at Wizard Island for three hours.  We took the opportunity to hike to the summit and enjoy another view of Crater Lake.  That hike was rated "strenuous," as was the hike down (and later, back up from) the landing for the boat tours.  So Ellie completed two strenuous hikes that day!  She also had a bit of a nap on the second half of the boat tour, so maybe that helped ;-).  We also discovered that the chipmunks are very tame, and seem to even stand up on their back two legs as a trick.  See if you can find one in one of these (many) photos!

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